Planning a cosmetic procedure should include safety, effectiveness and quality. This article is meant to educate and guide anyone who might be interested in cosmetic procedures on how to select the right surgeon, read full report.
1. To us plastic surgeons whose primary concern is to improve both the functionality and the aesthetics in the body, any surgical procedure with the aim of achieving this represents a creative task. Patient should have fun with the procedure. For safety reasons, every cosmetic surgery performed, no matter what the severity, needs to adhere to all local authority standards. Both you and the surgeon will feel happy as soon your desired result has been achieved. The safety of the patient and their health is your surgeon’s number one priority.
2. ASK about the educational background of your surgeon, such as formal training and certifications in reconstructive or cosmetic plastic surgery. It takes 6-8 years for a doctor to become a certified “plastics surgeon”. The training must be in the areas of aesthetics, reconstructive surgery and burns. General Surgery Program takes three to five year. And three years on Burns/Cosmetic/Aesthetic Plastic Surgery. There are only a handful of plastic surgery training institutes in the Philippines that have been accredited and approved by local associations of doctors (Philippine College of Surgeons and Philippine Board of Plastic and Philippine Association of Plastic Reconstructive andAesthetic Surgeons). Today, many board-certified doctors perform plastic surgeries, as do non-doctors. Because cosmetic plastic surgery is a complex specialty, it takes more than a few months or an entire year to fully grasp the concepts and techniques.
3. It is important to only consult a Cosmetic/Aesthetic surgeon who has extensive knowledge of Cosmetic/Aesthetic Cosmetic Surgery. The surgeon should be able to answer all your questions about the possible procedures and risks. The information will allow you to choose the best surgery. You surgeon should be well-versed in noninvasive treatment options that might meet your individual needs. There is no perfect cosmetic treatment. We all have different definitions of beauty, so each patient should be treated as an individual.