No matter your credit score, poor credit or not, we won’t make it difficult for you to visit our dealership. For the nearest dealer near you, search “buy there pay here close me” get more info. Concerning pre-owned car loan, our goal is to assist anyone who needs a vehicle. We have expertise in bad credit auto financing and want you be able to afford a reliable vehicle. We are only interested in your ability and willingness to repay the auto loan. Your credit score is not an issue. Your loan approval is likely to be granted because we finance every vehicle that we sell. Next, you can work on improving your credit. We collaborate with you, and not against, at our dealership.
To get your car loan approved, simply fill out the credit form found here. After being accepted, you’ll be able look for a car at one our Buy Here-Pay Here lots whenever it suits you. In Henderson and Youngsville, North Carolina we offer vehicle lots that are available for buy here-pay-to finance. You can also search our online inventory and choose from hundreds of trusted, affordable used cars. We are sure you’ll find one that fits your lifestyle and budget.
Buy Here, Pay Here can help you improve your credit score. We will report that you are paying your bills regularly to the leading credit reporting agencies. This can help you to repair your credit, and give you a better chance of securing your financial future. With lower interest rates as well as more affordable monthly payments, your future credit options might increase.